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We encourage Fellows to share their photos with the International College of Dentists gallery by uploading them to our secure Dropbox Folder. Please include a brief description of your photos, including the location, date, event/activity, purpose and Fellows involved, and your photos will be shared with the ICD Global Headquarters.
Global Visionary Fund
ICD Sections
Section I: United States of America
2020 Southern CA Mission
International College of Dentists-USA Section Fellow Dr. Ronald Fritz participated in a humanitarian mission Sept. 25-27, 2020, in southern California’s desert town of Indio. Dr. Fritz and other volunteers collaborated with Los Medicos Voladores (LMV) — The Flying Doctors, which set up a pop-up clinic at a local high school to provide services to the local residents. The patients, many of which are homeless and facing mental and physical illnesses, received much-needed dental and medical care as part of this effort.