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We encourage Fellows to share their photos with the International College of Dentists gallery by uploading them to our secure Dropbox Folder. Please include a brief description of your photos, including the location, date, event/activity, purpose and Fellows involved, and your photos will be shared with the ICD Global Headquarters.

Global Visionary Fund

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Indonesia Social Service 2024

The International College of Dentists Section XV Indonesia District ran an oral health event for over 10,000 people in Pulau Kelapa, Kepulauan Seribu Regency, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. From Sept. 10-12, 2024, the project provided assessment and treatment for those with significant health challenges and limited access to healthcare facilities and transportation.

The primary goal was to improve dental health and overall health awareness in Pulau Kelapa and surrounding communities. A pre-assessment indicated a population with widespread health concerns, especially among children and pregnant women. Due to limited access to healthcare facilities, dental education and treatment.

The project provided free dental health education, preventive care, basic and emergency restorative treatments, and stunting prevention education for pregnant women and children, with additional donations supporting the local health community.

International Council


ICD Sections

Section I: United States of America

Section II: Canada

Section III: Mexico

Section IV: South America

Section V: Europe

Section VI: India, Sri Lanka, Nepal

Section VII: Japan

Section VIII: Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific

Section IX: Philippines

Section X: Middle East: Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, all Arab Emirates, Yemen

Section XI: Korea

Section XII: Chinese Taipei

Section XIII: China

Section XIV: Myanmar

Section XV: Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Section XX: Regions

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Indonesia Social Service 2024

The International College of Dentists Section XV Indonesia District ran an oral health event for over 10,000 people in Pulau Kelapa, Kepulauan Seribu Regency, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. From Sept. 10-12, 2024, the project provided assessment and treatment for those with significant health challenges and limited access to healthcare facilities and transportation.

The primary goal was to improve dental health and overall health awareness in Pulau Kelapa and surrounding communities. A pre-assessment indicated a population with widespread health concerns, especially among children and pregnant women. Due to limited access to healthcare facilities, dental education and treatment.

The project provided free dental health education, preventive care, basic and emergency restorative treatments, and stunting prevention education for pregnant women and children, with additional donations supporting the local health community.