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We encourage Fellows to share their photos with the International College of Dentists gallery by uploading them to our secure Dropbox Folder. Please include a brief description of your photos, including the location, date, event/activity, purpose and Fellows involved, and your photos will be shared with the ICD Global Headquarters.
Global Visionary Fund
2023 Smiles for Hope, USA
A dental care event was held at the San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic, San Antonio, providing free and severely discounted dental treatments in partnership with the dental school. Over two days, 126 patients were seen and 303 treatments were completed, including fillings, extractions, fluoride treatments, prophy, scaling and root planning. The donated supplies helped 80 volunteers to provide over $182,000-worth of dental care and treatment. The patients were given oral hygiene instructions as well as information on free and/or discounted community clinics around the city of San Antonio.