b'SECTION REPORTSSection XVICD Section XV holds successful congresses through collaboration, business planning, and educational and scientific sessions.Presidents Greetinga team of volunteer ICD speakerswas another great event in Section Kim Chuan How thatspokeataregionalconfer- XVhistorywheremanyscholars ence.Forhumanitarianservice,and honorable dentists across the Section XV established a humani- globeparticipatedandpresented tarian fund with a starting capital oftheir latest advancement in research US $40,000, and we hope to growandclinicalsciencesonJune30 thisfundintoafoundationwithinthrough July 2, 2019. An inaugural five years.session was held on June 30 by the Section XV President Dr. Dato How Lastyear,our6thInternationalKimChuan,theInternationalICD Congress and Induction CeremonyPresidentDr.BettieMcKaig,the was held as a joint venture betweenInternational ICD Editor and Director SectionXVandtheUniversityofof College Communications Dr. Dov Chulalongkorn Bangkok. Like eachSydney,andRegentsandDeputy year, the congress witnessed hun- Regents of the numerous countries dreds of participants from all acrossundertheSectionXVflag.The TandSectionXVisthe globe numbering approximatelycongresswasattendedbymany itthreeyears500participants.Therewere152dentistsfromacrosstheglobe oday, approximatelynewinducteesrepresentingtheirincluding ministers of states, chief old,seems like it wascountries at this prestigious event,dental officers, armed and military just yesterday when this Section wasandtheywereawardedwithFel- force officers, civil servant officers, created from Section XX Regions.lowship of International College ofdeans of dental schools, presidents TheSectionXVCouncilishighlyDentists (FICD).ofdentalassociations,topdental richwithparticipationfromallcorporateexecutives,specialists countriesinvolvingthearmedWiththeupcomingCentennialand general practitioners.forces,civilservices,specialists,celebrations in Japan, Section XV academiciansandthegeneralplans to hold its flag high along withThe three-day congress was en-practitioners.ICD,servingsinceothercountriesduringthehistori- riched with many scientific sessions 1920, now has its highest numbercal event. Our next congress is an- from top dental practitioners of vari-ofregisteredmembersworldwidenounced to be in Bali, Indonesia, inous countries. Many separate sym-serving their communities and the2021, where I welcome all our oldposia were run parallel to accommo-College.SectionXVisnowanand new Fellows to come and makedateimportantscientificsessions; integral part of ICD, joining handsthis a memorable moment. implantandestheticsymposiums inthecontributionofaddingnewwerethemostattendedsessions. outstandingprofessionalstothe6th International Congress Some of the other sessions includ-prestigious list of Fellows. ed an Invisalign symposium, Asian SectionXVhasmadeitsimpactPacific speakers summit and free The Sections core mission is ed- throughcontinuousandrigorouscommunicationoralpresentations. ucationandhumanitarianservice.hardwork.The6thInternationalSectionXVPresidentHowrec-For education, Section XV formedCongress and Induction CeremonyognizedfiveFellowsfortheirout-3 6 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'