Section VII JAPAN Fellows are working to herald the future of dental care in Japanese society through international cooperation and dissemination of information. President’s Greeting Takashi Miyazaki L et’s raise the presence of the ICD Japan by bringing together the power of the members! I feel very honored to have been appointed president of the ICD Ja- pan as the successor to Dr. Mizu- tani at the general meeting held at the Tokyo Station Hotel on June 2, 2018. The ICD was established in 1920 by Dr. Louis Ottofy and Dr. Tsuru- kichi Okumura, with the goal of es- tablishing an organization to share dental care information around the world. ICD currently has 11,500 members in 122 countries and is one of the largest dental academies worldwide. As nearly 100 years have passed since the inception of Dr. Okumura’s vision, the ICD will celebrate its 100th anniversary in Japan, in 2020. The ICD Japan was approved as a subcommit- tee of ICD in 1958 and still exists as one of the 15 Sections today. Firstly, with regard to traditional ICD, I would like to raise the presence of our society to the dental community by disseminating information on how the Japanese pioneer Dr. Okumura contributed to the establishment of ICD and the activities the Japanese subcommittee has been working on for many years. The ICD Fellows of our society are active in various fields and, as opposed to normal academic societies which are often departmentalized by academic sys- tems and medical systems, valued leaders from the dental commu- nity are participating in ICD Japan. The environment surrounding Japa- nese dental care is undergoing a transformation as Japanese soci- ety experiences a rapidly declin- ing birthrate and increasingly ag- ing population. Also, at the Society Winter Meeting, we had repeated discussions about the supply and demand problem of dentists and future dental care. The activities of university education and the dental association, and the policies of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Wel- fare, have led to the development of a new dental care. By bringing together the power of our Fellows, ICD Japan will be releasing this new dental care to the world in the future. Each Fellow has experience in par- ticipating in international coopera- tion. Currently, I am lucky to work at my university’s international ex- change center and am deeply im- pressed with the overseas training of undergraduate students, accep- tance of students from exchange schools, and acceptance of inter- national graduate school students, faculty members and medical staff from abroad. In particular, I would like to strengthen exchange with Asian countries. ICD Japan also has close contacts with the Taiwan and Korea ICD Sections for many years. I would like to make it pos- sible for many Fellows to engage in international activities. Finally, we ask that Fellows observe the Ethics Code of the Society and contribute to society through their pride of being members of the So- ciety in their respective positions. I will serve the society for the fur- ther development together with the 34 directors. We ask for your continuing support and guidance. Annual Induction Ceremony The Annual Meeting and Induction Ceremony were held at the Tokyo Station Hotel in Tokyo on June Japanese Dental Society JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF DENTISTS SECTION REPORTS 3 8